Παιδικός σταθμός Λάρισα Παιδικός σταθμός Λάρισα Παιδικός σταθμός Λάρισα Παιδικός σταθμός νηπιαγωγείο στη Λάρισα



erasmus plus

Reference: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000031566

Website:  https://www.coopliberitutti.it/en/listen-en/

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Start: - December 2021
Finish: - November 2023
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Programme: ERASMUS
Sub-Programme: Enhancing inclusion of disadvantaged children by promoting intergenerational solidarity approaches in early childhood education and care systems

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


According to the ECEC Council Recommendation, early childhood education and care provision needs to be part of an integrated child-rights based package of policy measures to improve outcomes for children and break intergenerational cycles of disadvantage. In line with this aim, LISTEN want to promote access on ECEC school and inclusive opportunities at local and EU level helping to address the barriers faced by these people and contributing to creating and inclusive society and environments that foster equity and equality and that are responsive to the needs of the wider community. LISTEN want to implement bridge actions to promote an open dialogue between the school, the civil society and marginalised families, creating tools to restore the synergies lost during the tragic period of the first outbreaks in the EU and providing safe spaces for all to build a more heterogeneous and peaceful community of people who live in the same places. ECEC schools will be facilitated to collaborate with the civil society, represented by volunteers and will become the meeting point for the whole local community, contributing to play an essential role in learning to live together in heterogeneous societies and strengthening social cohesion and inclusion of disadvantaged families, with a special focus on social-emotional learning of these children that can learn easily how to be empathic as well as learn about their rights, equality, tolerance and diversity.

LISTEN project will implement actions to support ECEC system to facilitate access to ECEC school to disadvantaged children, creating tailored made actions to improve high-quality of the EU systems (PR1&PR2) and providing policy recommendations (PR3) based on +7 different local communities and in 6 different ECEC systems. At last, using a g-local and bottom-up strategy developed in close collaboration with local and EU stakeholders, LISTEN will contribute day by day to break the circle of disadvantage and contribute to promote innovative reforms for the ECEC systems in EU.

As stated into the ECEC Council Recommendation, early childhood education and care provision needs to be part of an integrated child-rights based package of policy measures to improve outcomes for children and break intergenerational cycles of disadvantage. In line with this aim, LISTEN want to promote access on ECEC school and inclusive opportunities at local and EU level helping to address the barriers faced by these people and contributing to creating and inclusive society and environments that foster equity and equality and that are responsive to the needs of the wider community.

Listen wants:

to implement bridge actions to promote an open dialogue between the school, the civil society and marginalised families,

creating tools to restore the synergies lost during the tragic period of the first outbreaks in the EU and providing safe spaces

for all to build a more heterogeneous and peaceful community of people who live in the same places. ECEC schools will be

facilitated to collaborate with the civil society, represented by volunteers and will become the meeting point for the whole

local community, contributing to play an essential role in learning to live together in heterogeneous societies and

strengthening social cohesion and inclusion of disadvantaged families, with a special focus on social-emotional learning of these children that can learn easily how to be empathic as well as learn about their rights, equality, tolerance and diversity.


  • LISTEN project will implement actions to support ECEC system to facilitate access to ECEC school to disadvantaged children, creating tailored made actions to improve high-quality of the EU systems (PR1&PR2) and providing policy recommendations (PR3) based on +7 different local communities and in 6 different ECEC systems. At last, using a g-local and bottom-up strategy developed in close collaboration with local and EU stakeholders, LISTEN will contribute day by day to break the circle of disadvantage and contribute to promote innovative reforms for the ECEC systems in EU.