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Our time is now

box of treasure distance learning

Reference: 2021-1-EN01-KA210-SCH-000031424

Website https://sites.google.com/view/our-time-is-now/home

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Start: - 01/11/2021
Finish: - 31-10-2023
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Programme: ERASMUS
Sub-Programme: Our time is now

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Early childhood education is an educational stage that lays the foundations for future learning, habits of behaviour and coexistence are acquired, as well as a great intellectual growth on the part of the students, acquiring a great learning capacity. Therefore, it is a fundamental educational stage in the development of children. At present, children assume with total normality the presence of technologies in society. They live with them and adopt them without difficulty for their daily use. In this way, the integration of new technologies in classrooms is necessary, so that, from the early childhood stage, children obtain skills and habits in the use of new technologies. It is necessary to reflect and train on classroom practices to innovate and improve the teaching task. Learn and apply ICT in the classrooms for the development of the capacities of Early Childhood students, as an instrument that enhances, favours, and develops the teaching-learning process. Likewise, another main focus is the inclusive use of new technologies in the classroom, since these favour the curricular adaptation to the educational needs of students, facilitating their learning and integration in the classroom since all students can work with the same tool, in the same space and collaboratively. The project, Our Time is Now! Digital Education 4AII's main objective is to promote the use of new technologies in early childhood education classrooms, as an inclusive work tool that enables curricular adaptation to the different educational needs of students.


The specific objectives are: 1.Train teachers in new technologies and applications suitable for the stage of early childhood education. 2.Adapt digital methodologies to improve the quality of education in the early childhood education stage (0-6 years) 3.To promote the linguistic competence of English in students as a means of international communication. 4.Facilitate access to new technologies for students at risk of / or social exclusion. 5.Exchange experiences and good practices with other educational centres that have experience in digitized classrooms.


Final document containing a comparison between practices and experiences developed by each partner concerning the use of new technologies in the classroom. -A network of collaboration between different educational centres for early childhood education in Europe. On the other hand, to achieve the objectives of the project, mobilities of teachers will be carried out to be trained in new technologies to apply them in the classroom, as well as the exchange of experiences and good practices with different European partners.